Our favorite festival has come and gone. We spent 3 whole days celebrating world music and good friends who travel the distance back home to enjoy our hometown's incredible Festival International de Louisiane. This year we did not have the luxury of a sitter for the kids when we were ready to take to the streets solo. I was a bit disappointed at first. You see we always take them to enjoy much of the festivities but we also usually leave them with the in-laws in the evenings so we can hit the crowds with out them and all the stuff in tow. This year was different for reasons beyond our control but I have to say having our kiddos with us the whole time wasn't so bad and we didn't have to cut short any of our time spent enjoying the event. On Saturday we spent a full 12 hours out in it, listening to music, walking from stage to stage back and forth across downtown Lafayette, fighting crowds that sometimes seemed to thick for my liking and hanging with dear friends. We were out till near midnight and my two troopers never once complained, not once. On Sunday morning before I arose from bed to get right back into the festival spirit for the final day of fun I reflected on the previous day and how pleasant my littles had been. I called them both into my room and thanked them for being so great. Then we put on our festive duds and set out to conquer another day of the most awesome festival while hanging with some of the greatest friends. We closed the festival out with The Wailers and we made it home in time for bedtime.

this was taken near midnight only minutes before they fell asleep in the grass...so sweet
I guess I raised 'em well and it makes me happy to know they are making memories and just maybe the festival will be an important part of their life too when they get older. I'm pretty sure of it.
Till next year...
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